Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Photography Contest – Scatti in Biblioteca - Roma Campus

Contest Notice
The Library of Rome organizes the "Scatti in Biblioteca" contest aimed at promoting awareness of and engagement of their space among students, encouraging them to produce photographic content for the website and social media channels of the Campus.

All students enrolled at the Catholic University - Rome Campus

Subject of the Contest
Participants may submit up to 5 photographs taken in various library rooms of the library of Rome Campus - in the accepted formats and types (see next paragraph), representing their emotional perception and life experience related to the libraries.

Type and characteristics of accepted photos
Participants' photographs can be in color or black and white. Photos must be submitted in JPG format with dimensions of 1920x960 pixels. Photos not meeting the specified requirements will not be considered. Participation in the Contest is free.

Submission Deadlines and Methods
Photographs must be sent to the following address: scatti.biblioteca@unicatt.it, along with the two accompanying forms:
1. Form 1 – registration and submission of photographs, completed in all parts
2. Form 2 - image release, to be signed at the bottom.
Submissions must be received by June 22, 2024. Each photo must be named as follows: surname_name_progressive number (e.g., smith_john_01, smith_john_02, etc.).

Quality Jury
The photographs will be evaluated by a Quality Jury appointed by the Library Commission, at the end of the application deadline. The Jury will compile a ranking of the accepted photos and award prizes to the top three winners.

Evaluation Criteria
All photos meeting the above-described types and formats will be assessed by the Quality Jury based on the following criteria:
● Relevance to the Contest subject
● Originality of the shot
● Communicative effectiveness
● Technical quality.

Upon completion of the evaluation process, the Jury will prepare minutes of the proceedings and a merit ranking in descending order of the scores assigned.
Prizes will be awarded to candidates with the highest votes; in case of a tie, the younger candidate by age will be ranked higher (art. 2 paragraph 9 L. 191/98).
The prize will be awarded at the discretion of the Library Commission, which will be published on the Home Page of the Library - Rome Campus - as well as any modifications or additions to this act.

Final Awards and Recognitions
All photos deemed worthy will be rotated on the homepage of the Library Service website at the address: https://biblioteche.unicatt.it/roma and on the social media channels of the library system, with attribution to the creator.

Additionally, the photos of the top three winners will be printed and displayed in the meeting room of the Gemelli Polyclinic library, where the awards ceremony will take place, with the presentation of three vouchers of different values, redeemable at the Vita e Pensiero publishing house https://librerie.unicatt.it/.

Following the approval of the ranking, winning candidates will be invited, via email to the address provided during the application, to formalize the acceptance of the prize.

Conditions of Participation
Photos must be clear, free from any potentially offensive or tasteless elements, or anything that could offend the sensibilities of others. Photos must not contain elements that could harm or damage individuals or groups of people or encourage the persecution of individuals based on ethnicity, opinion, nationality, gender, profession, or creed. They must also not encourage crime or encourage breaking the law. Failure to comply with the limits specified in the preceding paragraphs will result in immediate disqualification from the Contest.

Image Ownership and Copyright
Participation in the Contest automatically grants the organizers the right to reproduce the submitted photographs on the homepage of the Rome Campus Library, in catalogs, and other print or digital publications. The Library may use the photographs for its promotional activities, indicating the author and without commercial or profit-making purposes. The submission of photos confirms acceptance of this condition, along with the release for the use of images, attached to this notice.

For the purpose of improvement or adaptation for publication on various communication channels (website, social media), photos may be cropped or resized. (signature on form 2 - image release).

Data Processing
In accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 101/2018, the data requested by this Contest will be used exclusively for the purposes envisaged by the same and will be processed with or without the use of computerized tools in full compliance with the aforementioned regulations and the confidentiality obligations incumbent upon public entities. Data processing is carried out in such a way as to ensure their security and confidentiality, adopting technical and administrative security measures aimed at reducing the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and tampering of data.

Participation in the Contest authorizes the aforementioned processing. The data controller of personal data is the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome Campus, Largo Francesco Vito, 1.

For information or clarifications, please write to the following email address: scatti.biblioteca@unicatt.it

Italian version