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Historical Collections of Università Cattolica - Brescia campus
Visit the portal that brings together information and documents related to the archival collections, historical collections and special libraries held by the Brescia campus of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Information Literacy

As part of user training, the library has organized a series of meetings on library services, designed especially for freshmen and graduating students. Small guides are now available on this page to facilitate initial access to basic library services.
All noticesThe online library
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Ask the librarian (Reference)
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Hours and Contacts

Via Trieste Library:
Via Trieste, 17
(Access also from Via Gabriele Rosa, 47)
25121 Brescia
Tel. (+39) 030 2406.205
Email: biblio.banco-bs@unicatt.it
Monday through Friday: 8.30 -18.00
(Loan service: 8.45 - 17.00)
Via della Garzetta Library:
Via della Garzetta, 48
25133 Brescia
Tel. (+39) 030 2406.582
Email: biblioteca.banco.garzetta-bs@unicatt.it
Monday through Friday: 8.30 -17.00
(Loan service: 8.45 -12.00 and 14.00-16.45)