Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Quick search in UCSC OPAC

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For other searches access the UCSC OPAC website or the Summon (discovery tool) website.

To allow for an infrastructural upgrade of the Università Cattolica's network, on Tuesday, July 30 between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. there may be brief interruptions in the operation on campuses of the UCSC OPAC and related on-line services.

To use a place in the Library, book it with Affluences!

The Affluences app, available free of charge for iPhone and Android smartphones, is to be used to reserve study places with books and personal computers in the Library (excluding places in the "Giuseppe Billanovich" Room) and seats for the Bloomberg Economics and Refinitiv Workspace/Datastream databases.

LARUS and Università Cattolica announce the adoption of Galileo.XAI for the new intelligent platform of the UCSC Library

Deployable artificial intelligence enters the field for the creation of a new recommendation engine based on network science, with the goal of supporting the UCSC academic community in the use of quality information resources, also taking into account the new publishing models based on Open Access

Introduction to the new RefWorks

Login screenshot to the new refwoks

The Library provides students, teachers and researchers with RefWorks, a tool for managing citations and bibliographies useful for theses and research. With Refworks it is possible to import and organise bibliographic references with a simple click in one's own work, according to the citation style required by the Faculty or the teacher of reference.


The new BiblioPoint and new Branch Library Gregorianum ground floor

From Tuesday 6 June 2023, the Milan campus Library opens the new room where is relocated the BiblioPoint (central information point for Library services and bibliographic assistance) and the new Branch Library Gregorianum ground floor, which consists of two study rooms with books of Language sciences on the bookshelf.