Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Library System

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Introduction to the new RefWorks

Login screenshot to the new Refworks

The Library provides students, teachers and researchers with RefWorks, a tool for managing citations and bibliographies, useful for theses and research. With Refworks it is possible to import and organise bibliographic references in one's own work according to the citation style required by the Faculty or the teacher of reference.

Open Science e Open Access at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The Library collaborates in the University's initiatives to foster quality scholarly information without constraints on access for every scholar engaged in research: preparation and curation of on-line tools, adherence to national collective agreements or with individual publishers, participation in international partnerships, and support for open publications against the costs required by publishers.

UCSC Library System's partnership with OCLC

Released the on-line final report of the research project Digital Visitors and Residents: What motivates Engagement with the Digital Information Environment?, launched in 2016 by OCLC Research with the UCSC Library System among the main contributors.

Over a century of Corriere della Sera's pages

Among the electronic resources of the UCSC OPAC it is available the Historical Archives of the Corriere della Sera, by which it is possible to consult the digital versions of the articles published from 1876 until today.